

10 Fascinating Scientific Facts About Babies

Babies are cute, cuddly, and full of curiosity. A baby can melt a heart with its laugh and provide a whole new perspective on life.

Babies are not only filled with cuteness but also filled with astonishing facts that prove they are the most remarkable little creatures on earth.

We gathered these ten amazing facts about your little one’s first year of life.

#1 Babies Grow Mustaches In The Womb.

In the womb, the baby grows a mustache on the fourth month that spreads to the entire body over a month.  

The hair is known as lanugo. Before the birth of the child, it falls apart and is eaten by them and becomes a part of his first poop.

#2 Taste Buds

You may not know that babies have around 10,000 of taste buds.  

On the third trimester, the taste bud of the babies shows up not only on the tongue but also on the whole mouth. So, pregnant mothers are suggested to try out different types of foods on the third trimester because these taste buds disappear as the babies grow. 

Babies also can't taste salt until around the age of four months.

#8 Babies have unique reflexes.

Babies are full of reflexes. They have around 70 reflexes, which are primitive and down to evolution. You may notice when you hold your child upright with his feet on the flat surface; then his legs will work with a stepping motion. 

It makes the child fling his arms up and out, draw his knees up, and open his fists wide before going to his original position.

#9 Babies don’t produce tears

Another fascinating fact about babies is that they cry, but they don’t produce real tears until the age of four weeks. 

This is due to their tear ducts that are still developing post-birth. The tear ducts will become functional after one or two months of age. 

It doesn’t mean that their eyes can’t produce any water in the meantime, merely that they can’t produce enough to shed tears. 

It’s still amazing and crazy how they can cry so much without actually producing any tears!

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Written by danny

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