Our planet is home to different variety of plant and animal life. However, most of us don’t grasp the variety of animals species that inhabit the Earth today, and some even get surprised as they find out there are some cool animals they haven’t heard of before. In fact, the world is full of unique living creatures and scientists themselves keep observing new species every year. So we collected these 30 examples of these species that most of us have never even heard of. But not all of them are super cute and fluffy! You will be surprised!
#1 Axolotl
Axolotls are rare and critically endangered and can only be found in only some lakes and canals in Mexico. You can notice the funny branches growing on its head, they may look silly but they are actually functional, the filaments attached to them increase the area for gas exchange.
#2 Golden poison frog
Despite its little size, this frog is one of the most poisonous creatures in the world. In fact, they are not born poisonous, they get it from what they eat. They tend to use the poison for defense and it’s so strong that the toxins from just one frog can kill two elephants.
These little creatures are very rare and only live in the rainforest in Colombia.
#3 Giant Isopod
Axolotls live between 550 to 7020 feet deep underwater. In fact, they are called giant for a reason, some of these creatures can grow absolutely gigantic! Their enormous size helps them to compromise the pressure of the deep ocean.
They nearly exclusively eat carrion, and when something edible is found on the ocean’s floor, they eat a lot of it because they don’t always know when their next feast will be.
Isopods have extremely slow metabolisms and they may not need anything to eat for a few years thanks to this unique ability.
#4 Blobfish
This fish may have the ugliest face. It also doesn’t have bones, teeth or much muscle either. They have a very slow lifestyle and spend their whole life crawling along the sea floor sucking small sea creatures like shellfish or crabs.
#5 Fennec fox
The fennec fox is so unique that can thrive in the desert. He has huge ears which are its main characteristic, and its paws are covered in thick fur to protect it from the hot sand. Also, they even purr like a cat when they are happy.
#6 Goblin shark
This shark is called a vampire shark because it doesn’t like light and prefers living deep in the sea. It may look very freaky, but it’s not as scary as it seems. The Goblin shark is absolutely not interested in people and mainly eats fish, crabs, and mollusks. And this one is a pretty bad swimmer, unlike other sharks.
#7 Tube-nosed fruit bat
This bat has the weirdest look. Its tube-like nostrils are the reason for this bat’s name. It eats fruit and these unique nostrils allow it to breathe while it pushes its face into the fruit to suck the juice.
#8 Pink fairy armadillo
These little creatures have very powerful claws that make them exceptionally good diggers. Also, their shell looks pink because the blood vessels in the shell that are so close to the surface.
#9 Star-nosed mole
They are almost completely blind but that doesn’t affect them that much because they have 22 tentacles around their nose, which have 25,000 sensors, and that makes their sense of smell extremely sensitive. Also, they can even smell underwater.
#10 Irrawaddy dolphin
This dolphin is not similar to the dolphins we know. Well, the Irrawaddy dolphin has a very unique look to it, and its round face is one of its main characteristics. They are not considered to be in danger of extinction, they are relatively rare and only live in a few areas of the world.
#11 Giant spider crab
This Giant Spider Crab has a leg span of up to 3.8 meters which makes it seem like it came straight from a horror movie. These freaky creatures live in very deep waters and are very good at camouflaging, they even learned how to decorate themselves with sea sponges and anemones to stay safe.
#12 Satanic leaf-tailed gecko
These little mysterious creatures have excelled in their camouflaging skills. In fact, it is almost impossible to see them in the wild. However, they don’t rely on this skill when hunting, they look like a leaf only when they rest.
Also, they are also very fussy about where they live and Madagascar is the only place where they can be found.
#13 Hairy-chested yeti crab
The reason why there is hair on this crab is that they actually eat the tiny microbes that grow on it. These hairy crabs live near the very hot hydrothermal vents in Antarctica which make their life a constant adventure, as one wrong move could mean being boiled or frozen.
#14 The blue dragon
This pretty sea slug which looks alike to blue dragon developed the perfect coloring for hiding while floating on the sea surface. Scientists believe that the blue dragon is not poisonous but it can gather poison from what it eats, concentrate and store it, and use it if it gets attacked.
#15 Desert rain frog
These frogs are the smallest frogs in the world. They are tiny and don’t even grow to 1cm. Unfortunately, they are an endangered species, mainly because of people moving in on their desert territory. Also, they make a very interesting sound reminiscent of a kid’s squeaky toy.
#16 Dugong
Despite their size, they are very gentle and peaceful animals. In fact, these nice creatures are the only marine mammals that are 100% vegetarian. They have to eat about 50kg of seagrass every day to support their size. And they have this bizarre shape of the face and upper lip to graze on seagrass from the ocean floor.
#17 Wolf fish
They say “never judge a book by its cover.” In fact, the wolf fish may look scary and aggressive, but it is actually very shy most of the time. Also, this fish knows how to produce its own internal antifreeze which allows it to live in very cold conditions.
#18 Probosci’s monkey
This monkey is known by his enormous nose which can be up to 7 inches long. In fact, males generally have larger noses than females. Researchers believe that the larger the male’s nose is, the more attractive it looks to females.
#19 Boxer crab
These tiny crabs with a very funny look became famous because of the way they move. They got the name of “boxer crab” cause they always carry a small sea anemone in each claw, like boxing gloves. In fact, they do this for 2 reasons: defense and food catching.
#20 Shoebill
It is an incredibly large bird, half-stork, half-pelican, with wings that may span up to 2.5 meters. Shoebills often live close to hippos and when those massive mammals bulldoze water and force fish to the surface the shoebills are able to catch them easier. In fact, they were named after their beak which is very effective for catching fish.
#21 Hispaniolan solenodon
These animals have a very funny and unique signature look with their unusual, elongated, and very flexible snouts. Also, they have a ball-and-socket joint at the base of their snout, just like a human shoulder joint which increases the flexibility of their snout which plays a key role in helping them find food.
#22 Red-lipped batfish
This fish has the most strange and funny look. It can be easy recognized by its bright red lips. When you see it, it really looks like this fish is wearing lipstick! Also, they have a very unique way of “walking” on the bottom of the ocean using their modified fins.
#23 Saiga
This antelope is known by its head with a very mobile nose and long colored horns. Unfortunately, saiga is listed as critically endangered and there is a high chance of the full extinction of this beautiful animal in the wild.
#24 Slender loris
These animals live mainly on trees cause they are so slow. They have a very funny look with huge eyes and a surprised expression on their faces. That’s why they gave them the name “loris” which means “clown.” Ioris don’t have a tail and use their hands and legs to move from one tree to another.
#25 Arapaima
This fish is one of the most huge fishes that can grow up to 4.5 meters long. They like to live in very dirty water which doesn’t have much oxygen in it. In fact, to survive, this fish developed a special swim bladder and can gulp air from the surface. Also, they have massive mouths and can catch not only a relatively large fish but even a bird, when cruising on the surface.
#26 Purple Frog
The purple frog is the only survivor from a group of amphibians which evolved 130 million years ago. It Spends most of its life underground, the adult purple frog only comes to the surface for a few weeks a year for breeding.
#27 Sea pig
This animal has a weird appearance. It lives in all of the world’s oceans, but usually so deep that most of us will never see them. These creatures play an essential role in the world’s ecosystem by basically cleaning the ocean. In fact, they spend their whole life “walking” on the ocean floor and eating whatever they find, from decaying plants to dead animals.
#28 Northern bald ibis
This bird has a distinguishing characteristic which is a black glossy body and absolutely unfeathered red face. In fact, they used to be widespread but water pollution and habitat issues have made them critically endangered. Researches proved that there are only about 500 birds left in Morocco and just a few in Syria.
#29 Aye-aye
The Aye-Aye has a very weird looking and it only lives on the island of Madagascar and there was a time when they were thought to be extinct. But some animals were found in the mid-20th century, they are still considered to be endangered.
There is a funny thing about them that their teeth never stop growing and to keep this under control they constantly chew nuts and wood.
#30 Andean condor
This is a very large bird. Its wingspan can reach 3 m (10 ft) but despite such impressive wings, the Andean Condor is not the greatest flyer. This bird struggles to stay aloft when flying, mainly because of its weight, but it feels very comfortable in windy areas where it can glide on air currents which can help it rise to very impressive heights.