
10 Ways to Help You Gain Weight and Muscle Faster

It was always a problem for many people to lose weight and get in shape. About two-thirds of people in the US are either overweight or obese, which cause a lot of health problems as well as being too skinny.

So we tend here in this article to help people maintain the right weight they need. Whether you’re underweight or just struggling to gain muscle, the main principles are the same.

Here is some advice to follow that will help you gain weight and muscle faster in a healthy way:

#1 Eat More Calories

If you want to gain weight, you need to create a calorie supply, meaning you eat more calories than your body needs. For example,  Milk can help you get more calories because it’s full of proteins, carbs as well as calcium, and whey proteins. 

Studies have proved that after a workout, drinking milk helps to build muscle more effectively than a soy-protein beverage. So, If you don’t workout, drink about one or 2 glasses of milk with your meal.

#4 Protein is a Must

To gain weight, You should add protein into your diet. Red meat can help you gain weight, especially if you are working on building muscle as well as Selmon, it is high in calories and healthy fats. 

Yogurt also is high in protein. Remember always to have canned sardines and tuna in your pantry. 

Beans can also be a great source of proteins and starch.

#6 Use Dried Fruits as a Micronutrient-rich Snack

Dried fruits contain micronutrients, antioxidants, and fiber. Like pineapples, cherries, or apples. Despite what’s known, fruits don’t lose their nutrients when dried; their fiber content helps retain vitamins. 

You can add dried fruits to your milkshake or yogurt to make a great mix of healthy fats, protein. It’s better to use dried fruits because it’s way healthier than granola bars that are full of sugar and preservatives.

#10 Do Not Smoke

Don't smoke! Smoking can make you lose weight. Smokers tend to weigh less, and quitting smoking eventually leads to weight gain. 

So you have better be away from any activity that may ruin your diet and prevent you from gaining weight. 

You may face some difficulty to make your weight higher. Most of the time, you may need to force yourself to eat despite feeling full. 

The process will take a long time, and you need to be persevering and have faith in yourself if you want to succeed in this fitness journey.

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