
Someone Made A $200 Million Mistake, After Building Village Of Disney-Like Castles

Disney, like castles, was built for wealthy Gulf investors but ended up inhabited by Ghosts.

It was in 2014 when the idea of this project was developed.

The developer of the Burj Al Babas project in Turkey’s northern Bolu province, the Sarot Group, failed to have the required amount of money for finishing it.

The Sarot Group was recently convicted by the court for bankruptcy ruling over the Burj Al Babas’ $27 million debt. This marvelous project was designed to include 732 chateau-style villas with Turkish baths, swimming pools, beauty and shopping centers, and a mosque, according to its website.


Despite customers that were from different countries like Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia, it wasn’t enough to have the 587 villas built.

Sarot Group Chairman Mehmet Emin Yerdelen claimed that “ they couldn’t get the 7.5 million dollars receivables for the villas they have sold to Gulf countries,”

 Added: “We applied for bankruptcy protection, but the court ruled for bankruptcy. We will appeal the ruling.”

The court ordered the group to stop any construction immediately, but Yerdelen try to keep his spirit up “The project is valued at $200 million,” he said. “We only need another 100 villas to be sold to pay off our debt. we can get over this crisis in a few months from now.”

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